Useful Links & Resouces:

Duas for Umrah: Credit: Amaliah

How to perform Umrah: Credit: Islamic Relief

How to perform Umrah (video):


Explore a detailed and thoughtfully designed Umrah planner tailored specifically for women. This guide includes essential tips, checklists, and practical advice to help you prepare for every aspect of your journey,

With the reminder that Allah (SWT) is the best of planners. I pray you have a life-changing Umrah experience In Sha Allah.


Umrah Tips for Women: Credit: Dana Fashion

Travel Dates Flight Details Hotel Details

Mobile Data:

Download the Airlo App to access data abroad.

Application for Visa:

You must apply a month before the trip to ensure visa arrives on time:

How to Book Rawdah Slots:

Alternative enter through gate 32 for accwss to rawdah without permit. You cannot pray, you can only send salawat to the Phrophet (PBUH) via this entrance.

Bullet Train Guidelines (Luggage)

Useful Islamic Apps:

Dhikr & Dua:

Packing List:



Islamic Essentials:





Locations to Visit:


  1. Jabal Al Nour, Hira Cave – Where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his first revelation.
  2. Mount Arafat – A key site during Hajj for prayers.
  3. The city of Mina – Where the stoning ritual happens during Hajj.
  4. Masjid al-Aisha – A mosque where pilgrims can enter Ihram before Makkah.
  5. The Site of the Battle of Badr – The location of the first major battle in Islam.
  6. Masjid al-Kiblatain – Where the Qiblah changed from Jerusalem to Makkah.
  7. Maktaba Makkah al-Mukarramah – A library in Makkah with Islamic books.
  8. The Deserts of Saleh – Area linked to the people of Prophet Saleh.


  1. Al Masjid an Nabawi – The Prophet’s Mosque, where the Prophet (PBUH) is buried.
  2. Rawdah – A sacred area in the Prophet’s Mosque.
  3. Ta’if – A nearby city with historical significance.
  4. Jannat al-Baqi – The first Islamic cemetery in Madinah.
  5. Mount Uhud – Site of the Battle of Uhud.
  6. Birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – Located in Madinah.
  7. Masjid Quba


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Write down a list of good deeds you’d like to increase and qualities you want to improve on.

You could also use this section to reflect on your umrah experience & what you have learnt.


Umrah Dua List:

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O Allah, let our Emaan radiate from our hearts and faces; allow our Eeman to touch others’ hearts. Protect us from shirk, and help us be steadfast on tawheed. Protect us from showing off, protect us from kibr, protect us from hypocrisy and protect us from any evil that would reduce our hard-earned deeds. Ya Allah, make us humble and respectful and prevent us from hurting others.

Ya Allah, let me love You as You deserved to be loved and let me fear You as You deserve to be feared, and let me leave this world serving Your creation for Your sake. Ya Allah, grant me knowledge that is beneficial, be it that of deen or duniya. Help me contribute back with what you have blessed me with towards humanity at large. Help me not use my skills and knowledge in things you are not pleased with.

Ya Allah, increase me in gratitude towards You alone. Grant me softness in speech, and protect my tongue from lying, backbiting, and hurting others.

Ya Allah, grant me beautiful patience and obedience to you. Help me see my faults and cover them from others. Allow me to speak with wisdom just like the Prophet (peace be upon him). Help me be courageous, confident and a positive person who makes the correct decisions at the right time.

Ya Allah, help me to say words of truth in the face of the mighty, Ya Allah, protect us against the evil of our tongues and lead us to the best character.

Ya Allah, do not take away my happiness when you bless me with wealth, and when you bless me with might, do not take away my wisdom. And when you bless me with success do not make me those that are arrogant, increase me in humility. Ya Allah do not make me despair and feel hopeless in any defeat that comes my way.

Ya Allah, teach me to love others as I love myself. And teach me to judge myself as I judge others. And teach me that forgiveness is one of the greatest steps toward strength.

Ya Allah, Forgive my transgressions of Your commands. Ya Allah, grant me victory over my shortcomings. Oh Allah, help me conquer and stop my bad habits of over indigent eating and talking too much (mention your bad habits).

Ya Allah, please don’t let me forget you in this Dunya. Keep guiding my steps back to you, Grant me a heart filled with tranquillity, peace, I beg that you not exclude me from your compassion.

Ya Allah, Bless me with happiness in this dunya and akhirah, protect me from sadness, depression and anxiety.

Ya Allah, increase me in the knowledge of deen, help me strive to understand Qur’an, and other areas of knowledge just the way we strive for the knowledge of the world. Translate my knowledge into actions that will help me get closer to you.